Guitar Lessons

4 Reasons Why Music Stores Are The Worst…

We’re going waaaay back.  Fifth grade.  My best friend played the guitar (so naturally I wanted to as well).  My mom did the logical thing and signed me up for guitar lessons at a music store.   I took my little electric guitar to the store every week.  I did what the teacher told me.   I went home and hooked up my amp, cracked open my Mel Bay music book and plugged away at “Hot Cross Buns” and “Mary had a little Lamb”.

It.  Was.  Awful.

My teacher was getting me to read music (which was soooo boring and difficult – for ANYONE, let alone a fifth grade kid).  I dreaded going to that music store – crowded with other kids (playing much better than me) – it was embarrassing.  I didn’t feel like I fit in.  Not to mention the sketchy older guitar players sitting in the corner and blasting out distortion-laced riffs.  It was weird.  Alien.  And after two months of lessons… I was done.

Fortunately, I picked up the guitar a few years later and haven’t put it down since.  But my disdain for music stores has only grown stronger over the years.  And there are four main reasons for that.  Here they are…

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Why Anna Kendrick is Responsible for Keeping Me In Business…

If you haven’t seen the movie Pitch Perfect (see above photo), or heard the song Cups, check out this link.  At about a minute into the video Anna Kendrick does this fancy little percussive/drumming thing with a cup – that is evidently so addictive among girls aged 5-10 it’s almost an epidemic.  Hence, this tweet from Anna’s twitter a few months ago…

Guitar Lessons Guitar Teacher Resources

The Most Awesome Beginner Songs To Learn On The Guitar…

There are tons of resources online that house chords/tabs to songs.  Simply google the names of your desired song/artist/band/singer followed by the words chords or tab and you’ll likely find what you’re looking for However… sometimes those songs are geared more towards non-beginner players.

Sooooo… below is a list of songs that I’ve taught over the years.  Many of them are great for beginners.  Right now, it’s just a list, but I do have the tabs, lyrics, and chords for these…it’s just gonna take awhile to get them all linked up online.  Check back later or (if you see a song that you really really like), just shoot me an e-mail and I’ll hook you up!

Guitar Lessons

How to Get My Child to Practice Guitar (Or Piano, Flute, Hammered Dulcimer)

Michael Scott holds to key to music perfection. Read on…

I’ve written about practice a bunch of times.  If you haven’t, I totally recommend going back and reading those articles… or you can just get the bullet points…

Guitar Lessons

Play the Guitar (Or any instrument) So You Can Relax…

Best Reason to learn to play the acoustic guitar
Shut Off Some Screens and Unplug.

First off, I realize the irony in reading (and writing) a post about unplugging your devices… on a device.  Whatever.  You can shut this stuff off when you’re done reading.

Playing the guitar is awesome for many reasons – but one of the biggest benefits is often forgotten:  Playing the guitar allows you to completely unplug from the world and enjoy some time in the present.  Like reading a good book, practicing yoga, or relaxing with a cup of coffee in the morning before the rest of the family wakes up – playing the guitar is the perfect way to remove yourself from responsibility and take time to relax.

Here’s why…

Guitar Lessons

HOW TO PRACTICE GUITAR (For only a few MINUTES each day…and still be pretty good)

Ok. So you’ve found the perfect music lessons.

Now let’s talk about practicing.

I’m a guitar player.
I’m a guitar teacher.
I’m a guitar student.
And I have wasted a ton of time practicing…

It goes like this:

  1. Student goes to lesson.
  2. Instructor teaches student a new song (or chord, or scale, or whatever).
  3. Instructor tells student to practice every day for 30 minutes.
  4. Student goes home.
  5. One week passes.
  6. Student practices for 5 minutes before the lesson.
  7. Instructor is frustrated.
  8. Student is embarrassed.
  9. Parent is out another $75 for that lesson.

The bad news… this routine is all too common.

The good news… there is an easy fix.  Here’s how…

Best Guitar Stuff Guitar Lessons Guitar Lessons Online

I’m Having Trouble Learning the Guitar… (THE STRINGS HURT MY FINGERS!!!)

This post may contain affiliate links.  Please read my disclosure for more info.

So you’re having trouble learning the guitar.  You want to learn guitar, but you can’t quite get the hang of it.

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That’s ok.  Don’t feel bad.  Stop being a baby.  Step up and take control…and own that guitar.


But seriously, here’s what you should do if your fingers hurt and you’re struggling to play the guitar…

Guitar Lessons

How Much Do Guitar Lessons Cost (Part II)…


My last post about how much guitar lessons cost has proven to be pretty popular… So I thought I should do a follow-up with a little more detail (for all of you informed consumers).

Last time we gave an overview based on certain criteria (e.g. lesson length, in-studio vs in-home).  This time we’ll try to break it down by, “what you get for the money”…

Guitar Lessons

What Chords Should I Learn First on the Guitar?

What chords should you learn first on the guitar?  Good question.

Answer:  G, D, Em, and C

Learn those four chords in that order and you can play a million different songs (see video above for proof**)

Switch up the order of the chords or take one or two out… now you can play a billion different songs.

To make the quickest and most effective progress, start with those four chords.

You can learn to play them here, here, or here.


Guitar Lessons

What Should My Kids Do This Summer? (Why Your Child Should Learn to Play an Instrument this Summer…)

This post may contain affiliate links.  Please read my disclosure for more info.Guitar Lessons in Summer


School is winding down.  It’s getting nice outside.

You know what that means…SUMMER VACATION BABY!!! Oh yeah.

But not for grown ups.

That means the kids are home for the next 3 months.  Naturally, you’ll sign them up for summer camps, swimming lessons, swim teams, camping activities, vacations, etc.  There’s no shortage of stuff to do.   The weather is nice and it’s great to spend as much time outside as possible.

But… what about those rainy days when the kids are all stuck inside?

But… what about when the humidity hits 100% and even the pool doesn’t provide respite?

But… what about when those summer storms strike and the power is knocked out for 24 hours with no TV, no phone, no video games, NO INTERNET!!???!?
